
SimpleTranslatorisaverylightweight(~9KBminified)solutionfortranslatingcontentwithpureJavaScript.ItworksnativelyinthebrowserandNode.js.,Quicklytranslateselectedortypedtextonwebpages.SupportsGoogleTranslateandDeepLAPI.Whenyouselecttext,thetranslationbuttonpopsupandthe ...,Quicklytranslateselectedortypedtextonwebpages.SupportsGoogleTranslateandDeepLAPI.Whenyouselecttext,thetranslationbuttonpopsup...


Simple Translator is a very lightweight (~9 KB minified) solution for translating content with pure JavaScript. It works natively in the browser and Node.js.

Simple Translate

Quickly translate selected or typed text on web pages. Supports Google Translate and DeepL API. When you select text, the translation button pops up and the ...

Simple Translate

Quickly translate selected or typed text on web pages. Supports Google Translate and DeepL API. When you select text, the translation button pops up and the ...

Simple Translate

Simple Translate. Quickly translate selected text on web page. In toolbar popup, you can translate input text. Download. for Firefox for Chrome.

Simple translation

Simple translation¶. The simple_translation module provides a user interface that allows users to copy pages and translatable snippets into another language.

Simple translation

A simple translation is a written translation per se of any text in any format, i.e. it does not have to be certified, legalised or anything similar.

Simple Translation [ForgeFabric]

2021年8月29日 — This mod will display the translated item name when you press a specific key while displaying the item's tooltip. English → Japanese.

Translating text (Basic)

This document describes how to use the Cloud Translation - Basic (v2) to translate text. The input text can be plain text or HTML. Cloud Translation - Basic ...

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